Small Heading

"All children begin life with direct access to intuition and spirit. They tap into this realm through their creative play and spontaneous artistic invention."
-Sonia Choquette, from The Intuitive Spark
Dedicated to Miss Ann (d2015) and her Art. She always saw the 'light'.
Then painted it into art.

-Miss Ann Barnes
Happy Children
The happy children listen
Delighted with every word,
Christ has brought to feed them,
Cherishing each Treasure heard.
At Peace in His Gracious Presence,
With Faith living deeply secure
These children know they're loved,
By God's Blessings so dear and pure.
By Miss Ann Barnes.

A Little Child
May a little child hear
Not words of abuse and hate,
But good guidance for growth
From parental love relate.
May a little child see,
Unclouded by cruelty induced tears,
That God is truly Love,
The way to banish fears.
May a little child be safe
From all worldly sin,
By God’s Peace and Good Will
Being lived by women and men.
For God’s designed adulthood
Is responsible and pure,
Caring for all ages,
Cherished by the truly mature.
Art: A Child in Prayer. By Miss Ann Barnes

God's holy places
In the true worshipper’s Church
Of the Soul, Heart and Mind,
God’s Spirit of Truth lives,
His Will on Earth they find.
His Own are known by Him
Loving His Way of living,
Profitable for His Purpose,
His Way to all Truth is given.
They cannot be deceived
By many who come in His Name,
Knowing the Voice of Christ,
Forever remains the same.
God’s Holy Adoption they have
Receiving His Son of Peace,
Together pleasing The Father,
In the Love that can never cease.
-By Miss Ann Barnes
Art: The Reception. By Miss Ann Barnes

Last Prayer of a Soldier in Vietnam
Heavenly Father…
May Your Spirit Reign
In the souls and minds of all
With humanity realizing this greatest need
And war not be the call,
May the evil seeking mind control
Be shamed and vanquished forever,
Allowing responsible freedom to thrive
By honoring you in every endeavor,
May not one soldier deprived of freedom
Be forgotten and left behind,
For it was for this very freedom
His life was put on the line.
"Government, truly under God, cannot turn tyrannical for honorable members will praise God instead of play God."
-Miss Ann Barnes
Art: Remembering. by Miss Ann Barnes